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Want to have a strong physical and healthy life?Don’t worry, let’s help you to master the basic sports knowledge step by step and take you to a healthy life!Xiaobian introduces the importance of exercise, how to choose the way that suits you and the common basic sports skills.Let’s start this vibrant journey!

Exercise is an important part of maintaining good health. It can not only enhance physical fitness, but also improve psychological state.Both young people or middle -aged and elderly people should improve the quality of life through moderate exercise.Let’s take a look at what benefits of exercise for our body!

firstExercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function and improve the body’s oxygen consumption ability.Proper aerobic exercise, such as jogging and swimming, can help strengthen the function of the heart and lungs and make the body more endurance.

SecondExercise can increase muscle strength and bone density.Power training is an effective way that can enhance the stability of bones, muscles and joints, and prevent osteoporosis.

in additionExercise can also improve mood and reduce stress.The sports will release neurotransmids such as endorphins, making people feel happy and relaxed.Especially outdoor sports can enjoy the beauty of nature and relieve the pressure in work and life.

NextWe need to understand how to choose a way that suits us.Because everyone’s physical condition and hobbies are different, it is important to choose the way to exercise suitable for them.

firstYou should choose the exercise method according to your physical conditions and goals.If you want to lose weight, you can choose aerobic exercise, such as running and dancingWait; if you want to enhance your strength, you can conduct strength training, such as weightlifting and push -ups.Remember to start with the goal and gradually improve the strength of exercise.

also, Choose the exercise method according to your own interests.If you like outdoor activities, you can choose to run, hike, etc.; If you like team cooperation, you can try collective projects such as badminton, table tennis.Finding the way that suits you can increase the motivation to persist.

Now, let’s learn a few common basic sports skills!

The first is the correct squat posture.When standing, your feet and shoulders are equally wide. When your body squats down, sit back on your hips, keep your knees and toes on the same line, and keep your back straight.This can effectively exercise thighs and hip muscles.

Then there is push -up technique.Lying on the ground, his palms facing down, his hands were slightly wider than your shoulders, and his shoulders, elbows and wrists were on the same line.Keep your body straight, push from the ground, then slowly reduce your body, and pay attention to keeping the tightness of the core muscle group.

Finally, dumbbell bench presses.Lie on the flat bench press machine, his arms straightened raised the dumbbells, and the hands and shoulders were the same width.Then slowly reduce the dumbbell to the chest, and then recommend it.Pay attention to keeping the stability of the elbow and the participation of the core muscle group.

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